What are the technical specifications for using the Escribo Play app?

What are the technical specifications for using the Escribo Play app?

Families can enjoy and learn with the Escribo Play educational games on basically any Android, iOS or Windows-PC devices. Eventually, the app may work on previous versions of operational systems or with lower hardware specifications, which may affect the user experience. Therefore, we made a list of technical requirements for the best use of the app.

Minimum recommendations

Android / iOS tablets or smartphones

  • Android 5.0 / iOS 10 (or newer versions);
  • 1GB of RAM (1.5GB is ideal);
  • 8GB of total storage, with 2GB free;
  • 5.5” screen for smartphones and 7” for tablets;
  • Approved brands: LG, Samsung, Amazon, Google, Apple.

Windows computers

  • Windows 10;
  • Dual-Core processor;
  • 4GB of RAM;
  • At least 500MB of free storage for the application.


Escribo Play needs an internet connection to download the games, initially. After the download is complete, the games can be used offline without any limitations.

We recommend that the users open the app while connected to the internet at least once a week, so that it can (a) upload the collected data to our servers and (b) download new games and updates.

Tasks (a) and (b) are performed automatically when the user opens the application and selects the child that is going to play. The same happens when they tap the Sync button, located in the upper right corner at the menu button.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected], call or send a message on our WhatsApp or leave a message on our Contact Us section. We are always available to help you make the most of Escribo Play.

Escribo Play notifications: see how to enable them

Escribo Play notifications: see how to enable them

Are you receiving push notifications from Escribo Play? This is how we keep families and schools well informed of new features, latest content and game updates! Check out this mini guide and turn on notifications on your Android or iOS device.


Under Settings, tap Notifications and, in the right column, tap Escribo Play.

Leave on the Allow Notifications, Sounds and Badges buttons, as well as the Alerts options. This way, you activate sound alerts and visual notifications.


In Settings, tap Apps & notifications and then App info. On the next screen, select the Escribo Play app.

In App notifications, enable all the options for Escribo Play notifications, just as you see in the image above.

Starting on the main screen, you can also reach that page by touching and holding the Escribo Play icon, then selecting App info and App notifications. As in the previous method, activate all the notifications options.

Easy, isn’t it? If you have any questions, just contact us via [email protected], via our contact form, +55-81-98102-4774 or via WhatsApp. And speaking of notifications, subscribe to our Blog and receive our content first hand. See you!

Fun homework with Escribo Play: meet the Assignments menu!

Fun homework with Escribo Play: meet the Assignments menu!

At home, kids can review and practice what they learn in class playing Escribo Play games! For that to happen, teachers can schedule these activities as fun homework for their classes directly in the app’s Assignments menu. The app has different visuals for educators and families, so we made a mini-guide that shows how everyone can make the best use of the platform!


In the game selection screen (main screen), tap Assignments on the upper right corner of the screen to see the full list of assigned games. The main screen also shows you all the new, recent and delayed activities.

You’ll find the deadlines (assignment delivery dates), the number of net hits (correct hits minus mistakes) and the number of times the kids completed the games (played them until the end). To complete an assignment, the child needs to reach the Final Screen that shows a virtual medal. You can also know whether the kids did the homework on time (marked in green), after the deadline (yellow) or if it isn’t done yet (red). Touch the name of the game in the Assignments column to open it.


To schedule assignments, the teacher must touch the Play without sending data button.

Then, on the game selection screen, tap and hold a game and, when the window depicted appears, choose the deadline and which classes will receive the assignment. Touch the name of the class to make these changes. Tap Confirm to schedule and send the families a notification about the assignments.

Teachers’ access to the Assignments menu also appears on the upper right corner of the game selection screen.

This menu shows the scheduled games, scheduling dates and deadlines for these activities. From there, teachers can follow two paths: they can either touch the name of the game to access the children’s learning progress or select the Assignments Board, on the upper right corner of the screen.

Touch the name of the game to see the assignment status for each child (done, done after the deadline or not done). Net hits (right answers minus wrong answers) and completion number (number of playthroughs) are also shown.

In addition to listing the progress of the activities, the Assignments Board also shows the percentage of class students that finished all assignments. Schools can then identify which classes show higher adherence rates and those who need more attention.

Are you still having problems or questions? Text us on our Contact us section or via WhatsApp with this link. And remember to tap the small blue bell, subscribe to Escribo’s Learning Science Blog to receive our posts in first hand!