What are the technical specifications for using the Escribo Play app?
Families can enjoy and learn with the Escribo Play educational games on basically any Android, iOS or Windows-PC devices. Eventually, the app may work on previous versions of operational systems or with lower hardware specifications, which may affect the user experience. Therefore, we made a list of technical requirements for the best use of the app.
Minimum recommendations
Android / iOS tablets or smartphones
- Android 5.0 / iOS 10 (or newer versions);
- 1GB of RAM (1.5GB is ideal);
- 8GB of total storage, with 2GB free;
- 5.5” screen for smartphones and 7” for tablets;
- Approved brands: LG, Samsung, Amazon, Google, Apple.
Windows computers
- Windows 10;
- Dual-Core processor;
- 4GB of RAM;
- At least 500MB of free storage for the application.
Escribo Play needs an internet connection to download the games, initially. After the download is complete, the games can be used offline without any limitations.
We recommend that the users open the app while connected to the internet at least once a week, so that it can (a) upload the collected data to our servers and (b) download new games and updates.
Tasks (a) and (b) are performed automatically when the user opens the application and selects the child that is going to play. The same happens when they tap the Sync button, located in the upper right corner at the menu button.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected], call or send a message on our WhatsApp or leave a message on our Contact Us section. We are always available to help you make the most of Escribo Play.
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